Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Week 41

I was sad this week as my Christmas break was quickly coming to an end. I took Hayden in on Thursday for her 9 month well check. This girl is growing like a weed! She is now weighing in at 19 lbs. (50%) and is 30 1/2 in. tall putting her off of the charts for her heighth. I have a feeling I'm gonna have another tall skinny girl on my hands. Hayden also finally said Dada for the first time this week. It was so cute. Chad was locked up in our room sick and Hayden would crawl over to the door and get on her knees and just keep banging on it. She was determined that she was going to see her Dada and when I finally let her peek in she got so excited. It was too sweet.

Shelby got to go to Nana's new house and spend the night for the firt time. We met half way on Saturday in the early afternoon and then Mom brought her and Drew home on Sunday evening. She stayed with the girls and Drew Monday while I was at work. Shelby had so much fun she was sad to see Drew go.

1 comment:

Nana Suzie said...

We sure enjoyed it. Hope to do it again soon!!! Love you all.