Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Loveable 34 Weeks

My little valentine has turned 34 weeks old. She has had a very busy week. We celebrated Valentines at home where she got a few new toys from Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, Popa and later from Nana and Pawpaw.

On Saturday Shelby and I went to Pasadena to visit with Drew and Nana as well as to go get Great Gran Gran from the airport who flew in from Nebraska. Shelby really enjoyed playing with Drew who is so sweet to her. She also enjoyed getting to see Gran Gran who we have not seen since August.

On Sunday we went to church with the McDaniel clan and later joined the McLoxley's for lunch. Shelby had all sorts of fun getting to visit with her little friend Sofie Locklear afterwards. They are only 2 weeks apart to the day and the differences are so funny.

After a quick visit with Mimi and Popa we went back over to Nana's house where we met up with Retti and JD. We talked and enjoyed spending time with her.

On Monday I was off for Presidents Day so Shelby and I spent a little more time on Pasadena. She is getting to be so big. She began signing "Finished" this week, even though she signs it the whole time she is eating, when she is clearly not finished. It is too sweet though. She also began clapping and really waving at people. She might wave towards herself and not actually at the person, but I am sure she will get it right soon enough. She also got to enjoy some time with her cousins this week and they looked too cute Monday night in their matching PJ's.


Mimi said...

It is a trick getting a picture of all three isn't it? They are the 3 most beautiful girls in the world even in their PJs!
Love, Mimi

Kelli Marchbanks said...

She is such a cutie! Drew enjoyed playing with her. We're looking forward to seeing you this weekend Shelbs!

Anonymous said...


I just love the Husker outfit!! Go Big Red!!
