Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Week 49

My little Hayden is on her way to becoming a toddler! She has started to walk back and forth to people so well. She has even let go a few times on her own and just taken off. She is so proud of herself that when she stops or someone catches her she smiles and claps, while looking at you waiting for you to say "Yeah Hayden!" She has also stated "talking" on the phone. She pick up my cell phone and will hold it to her ear and say "Hi ya!" It is too sweet.

Shelby had a fun weekend as well. After having dinner with the Purvis', we went to Mimi and Papa's house and Shelby was luck enough to spend the night. It took a lot of our twisting on our part, yeah right.

I also hit the dirty thirty this week on the 22nd. It was a hard birthday for me, I hated to see my 20's go, but if my 30's are as good to me as my 20's were it will be just fine. Chad did it up good for me, and got a cake and everything. We celebrated by having dinner with family and a few friends at BJ's Brew house. I think a good time was had by all.

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