Wednesday, January 23, 2008

THE BIG 3-0!

My perfect little Shelby Reese is now 30 weeks old. She amazes me every week with something new. This week she got to spend sometime with her Mommy as I had a 3 day weekend to celebrate MLK day. We spent saturday at a birthday party for Khloe Hinkle (her mom works with me) and then we ran around with my friend Melissa and her kids, Lucas- 2 and Ava- 3 months. On Sunday Daddy went and froze his tail off riding his bike with Josh and some friends to train for a race he has in February. Shelby and I spent some quality time together before Mimi and Popa as well as the rest of the Gorman crew came over for lunch. On Monday Shelby and I went with Melissa, Lucas and Ava again to the mall where we had 6 month pictures taken. They turned out so cute. Shelby is also continuing to love jumping in her chair that is suspended in the door way as well as trying to figure out this crawling thing. She tries to get up on her knees but ends up backing up. So for now she just scoots around the floor backwards and pivots. My final brag of this post is my baby girl learned her first sign language sign, more. She puts her hands together making the sign when she hears us say the word. She is not sure what it means but she had too much fun today signing it with her cousin Callie. What can I say, she is just gifted!


Nana Suzie said...

Not only beautiful, but smart!
Love from her prejudiced Nana!!

Kelli Marchbanks said...

Of course she is gifted! She gets that from her Mommy's side of the family- just like Drew & Garrett!

Love ya Shelbster!

robyn's nest said...

I love the one on the top left! Go Shelby!