Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Adorable at 29 Weeks

My fabulous Shelby is 29 weeks today, man how time whizzes by.  We had a fun week, on Friday I took Shelby to work with me.  Her Daddy was so jealous.  It was a work day, so my principal said it was okay for people to bring their kids so of course I took full advantage of the situation.  We played around there for a while and then took an extended lunch to Mrs. Bushart's house where she played with her as well as Ms. Kelly and Leesa, she had too much fun.
We also had a busy weekend.  Chad ran in the Aramco Houston Half Marathon as well as Jenny Purvis, but she ran the 5k.  Shelby and I got up super early and went downtown with Chad to be spectators.  It was cold and crowded but it was fun.  Chad did really well for it being the first time for him to ever run that far.  He ran 13 miles in 2 hours and 2 minutes, placing 2069 out of 17000 people.  Shelby and I are very proud of him.  She supported him by wearing her "Team Gorman" outfit.  Her daddy also wore later in the day his Shelby Corbra t-shirt that he recieved for christmas, they looked too cute together.  She looks too much like him.  
She also started to really enjoy her baths these days.  She was taking her bath last night and discovered how to splash.  She would splash her hands and giggle and giggle.  She giggled and played in her bath until her teeth were chattering as she splashed.  She is so funny.  


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Chad!
And thank you, Kim, for being so faithful about writing in your blog. I hope you can back this up and keep it forever. What a wonderful 'history'. I was just reading some old emails that I copied years ago and they bring back so many nice memories. One was when I was IM you, Kim, and you didn't want to be very talkative, but you actually did answer your old silly GranGran. Love you greatly!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great and I love reading about the progress little Shelby is making. She seems to be such a happy little sweetie pie.
Love you greatly!

Kelli Marchbanks said...

Cute as always Shelbs! Glad to see your Daddy is training to chase after you soon! Love you girl!